Austin Kline

Programmer, artist, gamer, human

HTML rulez, JS droolz. keyboard_double_arrow_down

About Austin:

Austin is a green, but driven developer with a passion for front-end and UI design. His love for technology dates back to his childhood, fueling his creativity and drive to constantly push boundaries. With every project he undertakes, Austin strives to not only surprise and impress, but also inspire others in their own coding journeys.


Want to get in touch? Shoot me an email or fill out the form.


To view more details about the projects, click on any of the cards

screenshot of weather app
Weather App

First front end project modeled after a weather wesbite.

Make it rain
screenshot of netflix app
"Klineflix" Site

Recreation of a streaming service's homepage.

Get Streaming
screenshot of feedback form
30-Second Feedback Form

Form modeled after Google Forms.

Provide Feedback